17/07/23 | General
Appeal to Club Members
Author: Simon Plumb

For sponsorship leads from local, regional and national businesses
Lymm Rugby Club has grown both organically, in terms of membership, and materially in recent years, with the acquisition of a further ten acres for additional pitches in 2008 and the Walled Garden in 2017, the new home for Manor Road Tennis Club.
As a multi-sports club encompassing rugby, hockey, squash and tennis, the club is well placed for continued development and a new, state-of-the-art clubhouse is on the drawing board. However, development comes at a price and, although the land assets are significant, the ongoing costs of upkeep are growing, especially with utility costs and interest rates having reached new heights in recent months and expected to remain high for some time ahead.
There is therefore a recognised need to generate ongoing relationships with local, regional and national businesses. In particular this includes developing:
Lymm Rugby Club’s first team recently won promotion to National League 2 North, Level 4 a significant achievement, especially as the players are not paid, unlike the vast majority of the teams we will be competing with in the 2023/24 season.
It is expected home crowds will increase accordingly as the team establishes itself as one of the foremost clubs in the North West alongside Sale FC, Caldy RFC and Chester RUFC.
There are also have plans to grow increase pre-match entertainment in the clubhouse, building on the great success we experienced in 2022/23 and further, enhanced by a growing reputation for quality catering delivered by the club’s new manager and his team.
All this presents great opportunities for businesses in the region to get on board and support a community rugby club in the North West that is breaking new ground in the region and which is one truly worthy of, and well positioned for, commercial support.
If you are in a business, or know of an organisation, that might be interested in getting involved in this exciting future with Lymm Rugby Club, we would like to talk with you, or the company you are involved with.
If you can help with contacts who may be interested in developing an ongoing commercial relationship, please contact the Lymm RFC Chairman David Simpson at davidsimpson@xyz4.co.uk or by Mobile on 07976 430727
The selection of images below give an insight into what makes Lymm RFC