10/09/18 | 500 Club Drawer Results
Grass Roots 500 Club – September Draw, click here for the winners. Have you joined yet? Next Draw is in December
Author: Peter Cornelia

Lymm Rugby Club 500 Club Members can enjoy the additional benefit of using our Club Season Ticket allocation, courtesy of Sale Sharks, 4 tickets are available for every Sale Sharks home game.
To apply for the tickets, please contact Guy Larkin on guylarkin@hotmail.co.uk
Please verify that you are a 500 club member with Guy.
Sharks home games as follows:
If you have not yet joined, Please go to the HOME page on this website and click on ‘Lymm Grass Roots 500 Club Draw’ and then the ‘Lymm Grass Standing Order Mandate’. Print off and complete the Standing Order Mandate form and return to the club as instructed at the end of the form.
Alternatively, contact Peter Cornelia 07966 402443 petercornelia46@gmail.com, or
Lionel Cockayne 07974 554428 ljlcockayne@gmail.com who will get one to you.
We are now entering a very exciting phase of Lymm Rugby Club’s development.
The new clubhouse project has got the green light from Warrington Borough Council and we are in the final stages of negotiations with the RFU over the installation of a new Artificial Grass Pitch at Crouchley Lane.
The 500 Club is one of Lymm Rugby Club’s ongoing fundraising initiatives, to raise funds towards the building of the new clubhouse and related facilities.
This is a quarterly draw with half the money raised being distributed as cash prize money, with the remaining 50% going towards the Lymm Grass Roots Clubhouse Appeal.
Clearly, the more of our members and their family and friends, who become involved in supporting this, the bigger the Prize Pot!! The ticket price is, effectively, £5 per month – paid in 4 quarterly
Standing Order instalments of £15. The quarterly draws will be held in early December, March, June and September.
For each draw the prize money allocation will be as follows:
Two 1st Prizes, each winning 13.33% of the Prize Pot;
Five 2nd Prizes, each winning 5.33% of the Prize Pot;
Ten 3rd Prizes, each winning 2.67% of the Prize Pot; and
Fifteen 4th Prizes, each winning 1.33% of the Prize Pot.
So, if we are successful in achieving our target membership of 500, each Quarterly Prize Pot will be £3,750 and the individual prizes 2x £500; 5x £200; 10x £100; and 15x £50. Clearly, if we have less than 500 members then the individual prizes will reduce proportionately.
As you will note, the proposed Prize structure means that for each draw there will be 32 winners, and in each year 128 winners – so more than 25% of the participating entries will win a prize each year. Better odds than the National Lottery.
As of mid-September 2018, we are around 300 short of our 500 target. Don’t leave it to others, we have a collective responsibility to secure the future of our great club, as we approach our 60th anniversary in 2020. So, please get involved, help us reach our fundraising targets and maybe you’ll win a big lump of cash in the process!!