17/07/23 | Tennis
Junior Summer Tennis Camps
Author: Pete Radcliffe

The Summer holidays are nearly upon us and if you know of any 4 to 14 year olds who would like to have some fun and games at our Summer Camps then Manor Road Tennis Club at Lymm Rugby Club is the place to send them.
Our Tennis Coach, Martin, is planning sessions for them to enjoy and give their parent or guardian a welcome rest for a few hours.
All activities will be on our brand new, artificial grass, courts running every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 25th July through to August 31st 2023.
For more information goto: Manor Road Tennis Club / Holiday Camps (lta.org.uk)
Sessions are 09:00 to 12noon & 13:00 to 16:00 at £14 per session or 09:00 to 16:00 for just £24.
To register or find out more please contact Martin on 07788 656 818 or email him at Martingleavetennis@gmail.com
Enjoy your tennis and see you on court