10/07/21 | Events
Lions Family Fun Day – Message From The President
Author: Neil Kelly

Dear Friends and Members,
I hope you all continue to remain well and are looking forward to the new freedoms promised!
As you know the Lions tour of South Africa is officially underway, even though there will be no spectators allowed!
Not to be discouraged we are organising the “Pride of Lymm” Family day with a variety of attractions for all the family and not least of which is a huge screen to watch the game from within the wall garden, whilst enjoying a BBQ and a drink.
During this extended period of lock down and enforced absence from our beloved club, your Board and Executive have been extremely busy ,continuing to ensure the well being of the club and pushing on with the development plans of the new Clubhouse and facilities. At a time when our ability to generate revenue this has been a significant challenge; however good progress is being made.
The “Pride of Lymm” is the first revenue generating event that allows us all to return to the club and once again enjoy each other’s company. I do hope you and your family (bring a friend too) will be able to attend and be a part of the “virtual roar and sea of red.”
Please book your tickets ASAP via the link below:
Many Thanks
Neil Kelly