07/02/19 | General
Our ‘Lonesome Pine’ has now been taken down
Author: Peter Cornelia

Our ‘Lonesome Pine’, the Corsican Pine tree at Beechwood has now been taken down. Sadly the tree must be removed to facilitate the laying of our new 3G/4G All Weather Pitch. The tree, which is not indigenous to the UK, was probably planted in the 1850’s as part of the Beechwood Hall estate and grounds.
However, the ‘trail of our lonesome pine’ is a good one, its connection with Beechwood and the club will continue. It is planned to keep the trunk and certain larger branches to be used to create features in the new clubhouse.
So, perhaps we should all watch Laurel & Hardy singing ‘The Lonesome Pine’, taken from their 1937 film ‘Way Out West’. (Click X to get rid of update panel if it appears on the bottom of the film)
In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia
On the trail of the lonesome Pine
In the pale moonshine our hearts entwine
Where she carved her name and I carved mine
Oh, June – like the mountains I’m blue
Like the pine – I am lonesome for you
In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia
On the trail of the lonesome Pine
In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia
On the trail of the lonesome Pine
In the pale moonshine our hearts entwine
Where she carved her name and I carved mine
Oh, June – like the mountains I’m blue
Like the pine – I am lonesome for you
In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia
On the trail of the lonesome Pine.