13/09/23 | Tennis
Tennis Open Day
Author: John Case

Open day on Sunday 8th October 2023
From 11am until 4pm the Tennis club will be holding an open day for all members of the public young and old, novice, beginner or looking to return to come and try their hand at tennis.
Please note this is a change of date from previously advertised.
The format of the day will be:
11:00 to 11:45 – Specific Coaching for Under 6’s and Under 8’s
12:00 to 12:45 – Specific Coaching for Under 11’s
13:30 to 15:00 – Parent and Child competition
11:00 to 16:00 – All other child age groups and parents
Refreshments will be available all day, so just turn up and have a go and enjoy the chance to play tennis. Racquets can be provided.
For more information please contact a Manor Road Tennis commitee member who can be found here: