02/04/20 | General
Your Club Needs You!
Author: Simon Plumb

Your Club Needs You!
Build credit on your Club Membership Card today
This year Lymm Rugby Club celebrates 60 years, but has had to close its doors, with all social and sporting activity ceasing since the COVID-19 pandemic has tightened its grip on the world, and our community.
All events planned in the annual summer marquee are cancelled. These are significant fundraising activities required to ensure the continued running of the club during a traditionally quiet period. This has put Lymm Rugby Club under intense pressure from a cash flow perspective, with no income whatsoever and this is where you, as a member, come in.
All we are asking is to simply build up your Lymm RFC membership card with say £20, £50, £100, £250 or £500 worth of credit – details of how to do this are below.
You can then use this credit when the club opens again, and we are all back enjoying our clubhouse facilities once more, along with 10% discount the card gives you off purchases.
You may wish to consider this as a short term loan but its impact will be huge. As a total membership, we can all help by making some level of contribution that will help support your club during this period.
Online payment to your Club Membership Card
If you have a Lymm RFC membership card already, or want to open a card, and wish to make a payment directly into Lymm Rugby Club’s bank account via BACS/Cheque or cash please email finance1lymmrugby@outlook.com and we will provide bank details to ensure your contribution is allocated to your account.
Your membership card will then hold this amount until you are ready to spend it over the bar at the club. Happy days!!
Thank you very much for helping our rugby club keep going!!